Our goal is to digitally preserve the tombstones of our ancestors and make them available to you for viewing. Over time, tombstones become weather-beaten and start to deteriorate until their words are barely legible.
Case in point: While looking over photos and preparing them for upload, I came across a tombstone vaguely recognizable. It was the tombstone of my known relatives, but it looked so different than the photo taken just a decade or so ago.
Pictured is the tombstone photo of my relatives taken in the early 2000's.
A photo of the same tombstone was taken recently in 2019. Within a few short years, the tombstone has considerably deteriorated. The words are still legible but how will it look and read 10 or 20 years from now?
Seeing this stark contrast is a reminder that the work we do is important and that our goal of digitizing tombstones will perpetually serve its purpose as the years progress.